Reflection in the Year of 2009
It is New Year's Eve today I take this time to reflect on the events that happened to me this year. All that was set in motion that led up to this Final Day of the Year. I am excited today that when the clock strikes 00:00 ringing in January 1, 2010 there will be a Blue Moon. I want to see it and think, reflect, and move on with my life. . Near the end of last year I was laid off from my job, and then I was given a job at Paychex in January of 2009. This year I was able to meet a gentleman that gave me the opportunity to work in the independent video game development.
Moving onto 2010
Near the end of the 2009 I was given the opportunity by Adams to take on a design position at Adam Jones Productions. Also, the last two weeks I had received an e-mail from a gentleman who is an Marketing Research Executive from Packt's Publishing. He saw that I was interested in developing Unity Game Engine and approached me to review his company's book that was made to teach Unity which was aptly named Unity Game Development Essentials.

I am really excited to read this book and to gain the knowledge necessary to develop in Unity. This book is written by Will Goldstone who also has a website with video tutorials on working in Unity. The book it self is written with the purpose to expand on techniques from the video tutorials from the website.
All these opportunities coming my way makes me think heavily and reflect on this year. 2009 has been an quite experience in my life. These thoughts run through my head as everything seems to be falling into place for me at this point in my life. I am looking forward to 2010, graduation, interning at AJP, working at Paychex, working in Unity with the aid of the book, the GRE, and hopefully FIEA in the Fall of 2010.
Unity Game Development Essentials:
Sample Chapter from Unity Game Development Essentials: