Sunday, November 28, 2010

My Novel Is Finished


As of November 28, 2010 at exactly 3:08 AM I have finished writing my novel for National Novel Writing Month. It was a grueling 28 days of solid writing. Well, technically It was 24 days because there were days I did not write anything at all. However, that is neither here nor there. What matters is I have officially finished writing the rough draft of The Departing Tale of Christopher Lamont and the Hereafter. There were times I did not feel like writing, and there were times I could not stop writing. All in all I am satisfied with the book and I cannot wait to post online for everyone to read it. That is it everyone that follows my Blog I want to thank you for reading.

Thank Yous

Before I end this I want to go ahead and thank some people who supported me in my efforts to write this book. I want to thank all my friends Jevon Alexander, Tiffani Franco, Pierre Borges, Roderick Hossack, Gil Barrett, Kimberly Sushil, Lara Savage-Bukens, Katie and Robert, Ron Marrs, and May Marrs. Honestly, David gets a special thanks for being the one to tell me "fucking do it man." Honestly, thank you all for supporting me and you all have my love :D

1 comment:

  1. Right on, Dieppa! I can't wait to read it from start to finish.
